This Journal applies open access and free APC policies. APC until 2024 is funded by Business Finance Analyst Co. Free APC is applied to all writers until 2024.
Dear academic community, students and lecturers
As a result of the large number of Indonesian-language articles included in academic papers, we will continue to provide free translation services for these articles until 2024. (Volume 3). After volume 3, the fee for transferring languages is 300K IDR.
Para peneliti, pelajar dan dosen
Karena banyaknya artikel dalam tugas akademik yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka kami menerima artikel tersebut untuk kemudian dialihbahasakan tanpa biaya sampai dengan tahun 2024 (volume 3). Pasca volume 3 biaya alih bahasa sebesar 300K IDR
Journal of Economic and Business Analysis
The Journal of Economic and Business Analysis (JEBA), is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objective is to publish original research papers related to business economics. These issues may include sales promotion, investment volume, the nature and extent of competition, analysis of competitors, financial positions, labour relations, and government policies.
Publisher: Business finance analyst Co., Indonesia
ISSN: 2987-9051 -
Journal of Education Policy Analysis
The Journal of Education Policy Analysis (JEPA) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objective is to publish original research papers related to education policy. These problems may include the development of learning models, educational management and administration models, and various aspects closely related to educational development.
Publisher: Business finance analyst Co., Indonesia
ISSN: 2988-6775 -
Journal of Public Policy Analysis
The Journal of Public Policy Analysis (JPPA) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objective is to publish original research papers related to public policy. The problem can be how public policy as a form of government intervention resolves public problems in various aspects of life. The scope of the study of public policy is comprehensive because it covers various fields and sectors such as economics, politics, society, culture, law, and so on.
Publisher: Business finance analyst Co., Indonesia
ISSN: xxxx-xxxx -
Nusantara: Journal of Cultural Research
Nusantara: Journal of Cultural Research (NJCR) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objective is to publish original research papers related to the latest discussions and research in the fields of Literature, Religion, Sociology, Anthropology, Management and Psychology that are developing in various community groups in Nusantara.
Publisher: Business finance analyst Co., Indonesia
ISSN: xxxx-xxxx -
Journal of Islamic Economic and Business Studies
The Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Studies (JIEBS) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objective is to publish original research papers related to Islamic Economics and Business issues. The studies highlight economic and business issues like conventional economic and business concepts. Only in this Islamic economic and business system do Islamic values become the basis and foundation of all its activities.
Publisher: Business finance analyst Co., Indonesia
ISSN: 2987-8683 -
Journal of Community Service and Rural Development
Journal of Community Service and Rural Development (JCSRD), is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objective is to publish original research papers related to to community service and village development. The study can be carried out separately or link community service to the assisted villages. The scope of community service programs carried out by lecturers at the University is of course very diverse and broad. The scope is in accordance with the field of study and knowledge of each lecturer.
Publisher: Business finance analyst Co., Indonesia
ISSN: 3047-0285